Monday, August 1, 2011

Excitement in the air...

We received our 3-ring binder from the agency!  It is both daunting and exciting at once.  We read through the first section, which tells general information about the trips to Ethiopia we will be taking.  The first trip will be to meet our new baby and go to court.  The second trip, about 2 months later, will be to pick up our child and finalize the adoption.  We will get to see museums and go on sight-seeing tours, which Billy is super excited about.  I read the part about taking your child to a celebration lunch after court and cried happy tears at the thought! 

We are taking it one step at a time, though, as the agency recommends.  We have started raising money through t-shirt and wristband sales.  It amazed and delighted me when our daughter sold the very first wristband to the Culligan repair man this morning!  She has no fear and believes in our cause, which makes her a great salesperson!  She stepped up and explained the entire thing to him before I could even open my mouth.  :)

I have a wristband that I got from the fertility clinic we went to for years.  It says "Have faith...Never lose hope", and we were told that a patient of the clinic had them made and donated them.  I never take it off, and I look at if often and think about those words.  It's amazing to me how God has always been in control of our journey to have children and how He has completely re-directed our path in a way we would never have considered ten years ago.  Yet now, He is still providing for us while using us for an even bigger plan.  I NEVER thought I would be involved in overseas mission work, and yet here I am, preparing to go across the ocean to bring home my next child.  I am thankful and humbled that God chose us for this!

Trust me, you never know when God will use you, and in what capacity, so never close your mind to the possibilities, and never say never with God.  He knows what you are capable of better than you do, and if you give Him the chance, He will give your life more purpose than you ever thought possible.



We have a couple of fundraisers set in motion to help with the cost of the adoption.  Whether through a fundraiser, donation directly to the agency, or through prayers, your help is very much appreciated!

First, we have "Know Love...Show Love" wristbands for sale at $3 each.  Bands are white, lime, and turqoise tie-dye with the embossed logo.

We also have t-shirts with the KLSL logo on the front and Matthew 25:40 on the back. Mens shirts are grey with white print, and ladies fit shirts are grey with pink print.  Mens shirts are $15 each, ladies are $16 each.

Tax-deductible donations can also be made directly to the agency.  Just make checks payable to "International Adoption Guides" and mail the payment to us.  (The agency requests that we send them all donations in one bundle.)