Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Referral Accepted!!

Hello everyone, it's been a while since we've posted anything on here, but we've been in one of those holding patterns the last couple of months.  However, now we have BIG news...we have officially accepted the referral of an 18-month-old boy from Ethiopia.  We'll call him Baby N for now (policy dictates that we can not post the name or a picture of the child until the adoption is finalized). We can tell you that he is absolutely adorable! He is such a happy baby and loves to laugh and give hugs. Jamie and I can't wait to hold him in our arms and smother him with so much love. Please be praying for us as we enter into another time of waiting. Our paper work is being translated, compiled and then will be submitted to the Ethiopian courts. Then in a few months, we will travel to meet with the Ethiopian courts for basically an in-country adoption interview.

Also, there is now another way for you to join and help us on this incredible journey.  We are now selling adoption t-shirts online.  They are wonderfully designed t-shirts that stress the importance of taking care of orphans.  All you have to do is log onto www.adoptionbug.com/knowloveshowlove and you can order your t-shirts directly from there.  Part of the proceeds will go directly to our adoption fund.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers! It is by God's grace and strength that we are making it through this long, difficult process. We truly appreciate you all and pray God continues to bless you as you have blessed us!

Grace & Peace!