Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Generosity Abounds

It's been awhile since we've updated, but so much has happened!  We are waiting (somewhat) patiently for our court date, our first chance to go meet our beautiful little boy.  It's been a long time coming, and now we are so close, it's almost unbearable. But we still have so much more to do to prepare, so this waiting time is being utilized!

We have been blessed ten times over by the love and generosity our friends and family have shown us during this time. It's so overwhelming, I just had to share. We had an adorable baby shower last weekend, and now our son has bedding, diapers, clothes, and toys. Having a celebration like that finally made the entire adoption seem real. I can't wait to see how he reacts to the loud toys and HUGE stuffed giraffe!

And speaking of generosity, I want to say thank you to each and every person who has bought jewelry, t-shirts, wrist bands, cookie dough, bags, and who knows what else from us along this adoption journey! And to those of you who have donated your tithes and given everything from $5 to $500 to help a family you may not even know, we say God bless you. Generosity isn't only shown in monetary ways; we are blessed with friends who spent their valuable time and effort hauling catalogs around, selling items for a fundraiser they received nothing from but our undying gratitude. This entire experience has shown me what it really means to be generous, and it has opened my eyes to ways I can do a better job of giving on a daily basis, whether through money, time, or love.

God is moving in countless ways throughout this adoption, and I'm so grateful to Him for everything He's done for us. I want everyone to know that when you step out in faith to do God's will, He will not only equip you to handle whatever it might be, but He will make it a enriching experience if you let Him.

As I sat down to write this, I decided I to add a Bible verse, so I booted up my YouVersion Bible on my phone to look up a specific verse. You know what "Verse of the Day" popped up?........

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said; 'it is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

May God bless each of you as you have blessed us.
